Jonas Energy Solutions Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Santa Rosa’

What Type of Solar Installation Is Best for Your Home?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

When it comes to installing solar, homeowners have found that it’s benefited them in a number of ways, particularly by allowing them to live more eco-friendly lives at as low a cost as possible.

But new customers might be hesitant to have solar panels installed, thinking their only option is to have them put on the roof. If they don’t want them on the roof for any reason, they may assume they have no other options, but this isn’t the case!

There is one other option–ground-mounted solar panel installation. This isn’t the right choice for all homes, but they can be a great option for many. Read on to learn more and give us a call to confirm which is best for your specific needs.

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Sounds That Might Mean Furnace Trouble

Monday, January 24th, 2022

It can seem pretty easy to ignore some of the noises that your home’s systems and appliances make. We may deny that something is amiss because fixing it can be an annoyance.

However, there are certain sounds that just should never be ignored. While a small rattle, for example, might indicate something as simple as a loose panel, it could instead be a cracked heat exchanger, which could actually lead to dangerous carbon monoxide exposure.

Here at Jonas, we understand how vital it is to protect yourself and your household. If you’re hearing some strange noises, please don’t hesitate to schedule a visit with our staff. Read on to learn about some sounds that can definitely be the sign of furnace problems.

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Are You Using Your Solar Air Conditioner Efficiently?

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

Of course, by the very nature of having a solar-powered air conditioner, you’re helping to boost your home’s energy efficiency. Unfortunately, though, there are still things you can be doing–even small things–that contribute to poor energy use, and therefore you end up spending more money than you should from month to month.

Summer is right around the corner and you want to make sure that your solar-powered air conditioner is ready for it! This means first ensuring that you schedule routine maintenance for the system. Air conditioner maintenance should be conducted by the pros once a year to ensure that the system performs well and doesn’t have any repair issues that need addressing right away.

With or without maintenance though, and whether your air conditioner is powered by the sun or you’re using the traditional electrical grid,here are some ways to use your cooling system more efficiently:

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Have You Scheduled AC Maintenance Yet?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

It makes sense that when you hear an HVAC professional suggest annual maintenance for your air conditioner, it can be an easy thing to brush off. After all, it’s not like there is anything seriously wrong with your air conditioner, so why schedule a service and pay for it if you don’t need it right now? What if your air conditioner is working “just fine”?

Well, we think your air conditioner could and should work much better than “just fine.” In fact, professional maintenance will ensure that your air conditioner works as efficiently and effectively as it is designed to, throughout its entire lifespan. You can say that you can’t afford to go without maintenance, and it would be an accurate statement.

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