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Jonas Energy Solutions Blog

It’s Time for This Important Heating Service!


Summer is officially over! Of course, that doesn’t mean much for us, given the heat waves we experience periodically, no matter what time of the year it may be. But still, cooler temperatures are on the horizon, and this means it’s time to make sure that your heater is prepared to handle them.

What we mean to ask is, have you schedule your heating maintenance yet for this year? Maintenance is essential to keeping your heater working as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible. Read on as we uncover just why heater tune-ups are so important.

The Importance of Heating Maintenance

Many of the problems that can impact your heater are the kind of things you might not even notice, until they’ve already caused a good amount of damage. This is the biggest reason you don’t want to wait for symptoms to show up before addressing a heater problem–but if you don’t know something is wrong with your heater, then how can you address it?

Well, with maintenance of course! Preventative maintenance gives our professionals the chance to closely examine your system and isolate any problems that may be developing. These problems can then be fixed before they have the chance to threaten your heater.

This will lessen the chance of a serious problem damaging your heating system, and increase efficiency to boot. Keeping up on maintenance consistently will save you in the upwards of thousands of dollars in repair costs over the lifespan of your system–in fact it’s estimated that maintenance can prevent up to 85% of the repairs that your system will ever need in its service life. Plus, maintenance helps extend that service life by quite a few years.

Is Fall the Best Time for Maintenance?

Let’s put it this way–in the absence of a completely broken down heater, there’s never a bad time for maintenance. But yes, fall is typically the best time to have this important service done. The reason we say this is because fall is before you need your system the most, and a time of the year where HVAC technicians are less likely to be out on emergency service calls for broken down air conditioner or heaters.

But what’s really important here is consistency. Maintenance is something we recommend for cooling and heating systems once a year. If you’re using a year-round heat pump for your heating needs, this means you should have this service done every 6 months. When we say you should have regular tune-ups, we mean routine.

We can help with this, too! Ask about our maintenance plan, which affords customers front-of-the line priority service, discounts on parts and replacement, and much much more.

Reach out to Jonas Energy Solutions for maintenance and quality heating repair in Windsor, CA!

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